Lovely Links

Crossing #83 off of my 101 in 1001 days checklist! 

One// Nightly Routines of 15 Successful Women 
I loved this compilation of the nightly routines of successful women from different professional fields. I couldn't agree more with Blake Lively's mantra of having chocolate everyday and I love how Emma Roberts reads every night sans social media!

Two// Hottest Heads of State 
A list of all the presidents of the United States in order of hotness + pictures + funny captions. You're welcome, government junkies.

Three// Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray
I've never really tried dry shampoos enough to love them, but my hairstylist introduced me to Oribe's version a couple weeks ago and it's amazing. Since I'm usually pressed for time in the morning, dry shampoo saves valuable breakfast time (more time for waffles!).

Four// Two-Ingredient Ice Cream Bread
Yup. This is a thing. You can make a cake-y loaf of bread with just a pint of ice cream and some flour! The perfect excuse for having cake for breakfast!!

Five// @FrenchieButt
I love ending these posts with a link to something cute- preferably something pup-related, and Milo's Instagram is no exception! (plus he's also an alliteration addict!) Speaking of puppy Instagram accounts, I follow way too many. *cough Marnie cough*