Monday Punday (Party!)

Happy Monday (Punday)!! Over the summer, I threw a mini party for my golf team to kick off the season (my last one!) and I figured I would share the punny par-tee with y'all!! We had a very casual brunch in my backyard so everything was super light/conversation food. I hope you enjoy these pictures and the puns, I feel like I'm getting the swing (haha) of hosting parties now!  

Side note/Classic Joanna moment: I accidentally dropped the cake stand (yikes) so I pulled out a Christmas platter- never too late to start celebrating the holidays!

I monogrammed everyone's cups so it would be easy to find a seat. There's nothing more awkward at a brunch than having to find a seat last minute!!

pink & green and livin' the dream

 classic me not being able to pick a picture (seriously so indecisive) so here are a bunch of pictures of me 

 giggles! I have a bunch of all my teammates but they prefer to have the pictures of them on private Facebook albums/Instagrams

feelin' shady (hehe)


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